27, September 2009

Greetings -

The Richard Sachs Cyclocross Team had its best-ever launch by getting to the front of racing from
the word go. There is just toooo much excitement for me to contain myself, so I'll type what I can and
then make this into a bonifide (spelled wrong) link fest atmo.

Matt Pookums Kraus had the head start on his team mates and went down to the MAC races last
weekend and, after so many high-five seasons as an Elite category racer, started 2009 life in the
Masters 35+ events. The Pook rode in with a 13th in Pennsylvania and an 8th in Baltimore.

Several days later on Wednesday, Amy Dombroski began her season by racing 'Cross Vegas and
getting a 9th place. Following the event, she jetted off the Wisconsin for the first in a series of USGP
race weekends. On Saturday Amy was 4th and then was 7th the following day. Here is a good list of
links regarding The Dom's exploits and accomplishments in such a small window of time atmo:

Vegas -
cyclingnews dot com
illustrious pic number one

MadWis 1-
cyclingnews dot com
fashion spread
road test
ham sandwich atmo
velonews dot com
mouth wide open atmo

MadWis 2 -
cyclingnews dot com
so hot right now
can go to her left better than larry bird
as light as scandium atmo
velonews dot com
determination situation

And thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn here in the East, the rest of us started our real season up in Vermont
at the UCI C2 race weekend held at Catamount Outdoor Ski Center in Williston. Wow Wow Wow. On
day one, Dan Timmerman showed the 'cross season who's boss by riding off the front before the first
lap even ended. Team mate, Josh Dillon came in a not so distant 5th. It was a remarkable site to see
these two race so well and with such confidence. As with all of the racers on the RS 'Cross Team,
most of the parcels containing all of the sponsor goods and components only just left the worldwide
headquarters several days earlier. All of the successes we garnered these past few days were on
bicycles that were anything BUT familiar to the rider. Mad props for the motivation and the horsepower.
But I digress. On dat two in Vermont, Dan repeated the victory dance with the same conviction as on
Saturday. He left the field early and rode nearly the entire 60 minutes alone, holding off the field. Late
in the race, the splits occurred and Josh, along with Will "Just Du It" Dugan, made the selection. Josh
sprinted in with Danish National Champion, Joachim Paribo, and netted a 3rd, while Will, just behind
by a few, got 6th. It was a GREAT weekend in the Green Mountains. PS in the Masters 55+ races, I
was 5th and 7th respectively. Day one was fine - I felt fast. The same can NOT be said for Sunday. I
was ready to sell my bicycle on lap two. Blah blah yada yada yada.

Green Mountain Cyclocross Weekend -
velonews dot com
comes down from the mountains
day two victory
cyclingnews dot com for day one
cyclingnews dot com for day two
saving the world, one 'cross race weekend at a time
road (rode?) to victory
josh eyeing some cherry danish

That's it for now atmo. But - and it's a BIG BUT - if you have made it this far, I encourage you to
click on, through, read, and bookmark Amy Dombroski's blog, World Peas and Carrots. Have a
look: http://amydombroski.blogspot.com/ The most recent several entries are 'cross season
specific now that Amy has switched gears over from the long road season. Also, here is a post
race interview in two parts that followed the MadWis USGP races a few days ago:
Link-ee 1
Link-ee 2

All of us will be in Massachusetts this coming weekend for the Great Brewers Gran Prix of Gloucester.
I hope to see you there atmo.

Many thanks for reading.


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