29, October 2006
This pic speaks volumes atmo. While Justin, Pookums, Jon, and myself all took a weekend
off, the A Team (a.k.a. Wallace and Kenzer) and Will traveled to Louisville, Kentucky for the
U.S Gran Prix of Cyclocross, presented by Crank Brothers - who are, in fact, a longtime RS
'Cross Team sponsor. Amy had two very fine results, and Alie, after coming up short on day
one, finished well on Sunday. On the men's side, Will was racing in the U23 category which
runs concurrently with the Elite event for men of the same gender. On Saturday, Will was 22nd
overall and 4th in his own group On Sunday he was racing for blood and the brand. I was not
there and still don't know the lap-by-lap blows, but according to heresay and race results online,
Will aced it by finishing 16th overall and FIRST in the U23 division. Here's a great pic of the Du
getting his just do. A big e-RICHIE congrats to all three racers because I know they were all there
all weekend for each other, and any success is a shared success and the result of a collaborative
effort atmo. This top podium appearance of Will's is his second this season in UCI races, the
first being on day one at the Vermont UCI 'Cross race in late September. Hugs all around.
Regarding this past weekend, here is some pasted text mined from The Amy's blog from Sunday:
Everyone is boxing up bikes and packing away dirty laundry here at Oli's house, ready to head
homeward early tomorrow morning. I can't exactly say that anyone is going home with extra hardware,
but someone is going home with this sweet plywood plaque!!
Yup, our buddy Will Dugan took the #1 spot on the podium in the U23 race today!! The women's
race for Alie and I went... well... it went! We had fun anyway. WILL on the other hand rocked it,
racing in a group for 10th spot for most of the hour-long event. Eventually finishing 16th, he was
the first U23 rider and was congratulated by his teammates after the real podium girl gave him
nothing but the bouquet and plaque. (SEE PIC ABOVE)
And here is a nice note from Alie which sums it all up, RS 'Cross Team style:
That was some very tough racing, IMHO. Those ladies are incredibly fast and I felt very humbled.
I'm sorry I couldn't do better but I am pretty happy to have finished yesterday....and I've gotta say,
I feel really lucky that our team is so awesome and inspiring on AND off the course. I loved how
the three of us RS cats really meshed well, par usual, but especially this weekend. We've got
something really special going here, and I think its clear to those around us as well. We gush
charisma and good spirits and as much as we appreciate the folks who support us, I think they
feel the same. Only major major factors missing this weekend were the rest of the crew....only a
few more races till we meet up again!
Thanks, all. It sounds like it was a wonderful weekend for making memories.
On other news, I received a nice note from Joel Ankeny this week. Some of you may recall that
way back in July I mentioned a BikeMS fundraiser than he was participating in, along with a link
to make donations. It sounds like the event was a success for Joel:
my BikeMS NYC fundraising link on your blog. I had a number of donors mention they found
out about the ride from your site. If you could pass along the thanks I would greatly appreciate it.
All together we raised $1,600.00 for a great cause! I will be riding again next year and hopefully it
won't be so wet and soggy. This link will take you to some pictures of me flying the red RS/RGM
jersey during the ride . Hopefully I will get a chance to see the team this year at one of your races!
Joel Ankeny
P.S. After reading your blog and Amy's you guys inspired me to start my own - so thank you! :-)
J aka Captain Crunch
Two more things to mention atmo. Matt "Pookums" Kraus with just one S is in the news. He has
what appears to be a 6,000 word interview in the current newsstand edition of Cyclocross Magazine.
It reads like a "Matt's life until now..." and I am proud to out it here. I hope you all can locate a copy
at the LBS or local Barnes and Nobles. I'm equally pleased to mention that Mo Bruno Roy and Matt
Roy have launched a new website kinda' sorta' devoted to the '08 season and all of Mo's new 'cross
plans and sponsors. I got on the email list and get their news that way, but the site has all the details,
is updated very often, and is very beautifully crafted. Check it out, huh.
Well, aside from my wanting all who read these tomes to know that the Flickr galleries* are being added to
almost daily (lotsa', LOTSA' great 2008 team pics are now up), the RS 'Cross Team will be in Northampton,
Massachusetts both days this weekend for the 18th Annual Cycle-Smart-Invitational UCI-C2 events which
are also races 5 and 6 in the NECCS Verge Series. I hope you can come out to Look Park and have a great
two days of fun and see why we always say, 'Cross Fucking Rules Atmo.
Thanks for reading.
* gallery uno
* gallery duh