29, October 2006




This pic speaks volumes atmo. While Justin, Pookums, Jon, and myself all took a weekend
off, the A Team (a.k.a. Wallace and Kenzer) and Will traveled to Louisville, Kentucky for the
U.S Gran Prix of Cyclocross, presented by Crank Brothers - who are, in fact, a longtime RS
'Cross Team sponsor. Amy had two very fine results, and Alie, after coming up short on day
one, finished well on Sunday. On the men's side, Will was racing in the U23 category which
runs concurrently with the Elite event for men of the same gender. On Saturday, Will was 22nd
overall and 4th in his own group On Sunday he was racing for blood and the brand. I was not
there and still don't know the lap-by-lap blows, but according to heresay and race results online,
Will aced it by finishing 16th overall and FIRST in the U23 division. Here's a great pic of the Du
getting his just do. A big e-RICHIE congrats to all three racers because I know they were all there
all weekend for each other, and any success is a shared success and the result of a collaborative
effort atmo. This top podium appearance of Will's is his second this season in UCI races, the
first being on day one at the Vermont UCI 'Cross race in late September. Hugs all around.

Regarding this past weekend, here is some pasted text mined from The Amy's blog from Sunday:

Everyone is boxing up bikes and packing away dirty laundry here at Oli's house, ready to head
homeward early tomorrow morning. I can't exactly say that anyone is going home with extra hardware,
someone is going home with this sweet plywood plaque!!
Yup, our buddy Will Dugan took the #1 spot on the podium in the U23 race today!! The women's
race for Alie and I went... well... it went! We had fun anyway. WILL on the other hand rocked it,
racing in a group for 10th spot for most of the hour-long event. Eventually finishing 16th, he was
the first U23 rider and was congratulated by his teammates
after the real podium girl gave him
nothing but the bouquet and plaque.

And here is a nice note from Alie which sums it all up, RS 'Cross Team style:

That was some very tough racing, IMHO. Those ladies are incredibly fast and I felt very humbled.
I'm sorry I couldn't do better but I am pretty happy to have finished yesterday....and I've gotta say,
I feel really lucky that our team is so awesome and inspiring on AND off the course. I loved how
the three of us RS cats really meshed well, par usual, but especially this weekend. We've got
something really special going here, and I think its clear to those around us as well. We gush
charisma and good spirits and as much as we appreciate the folks who support us, I think they
feel the same. Only major major factors missing this weekend were the rest of the crew....only a
few more races till we meet up again!


Thanks, all. It sounds like it was a wonderful weekend for making memories.

On other news, I received a nice note from Joel Ankeny this week. Some of you may recall that
way back in July I mentioned a BikeMS fundraiser than he was participating in, along with a link
to make donations. It sounds like the event was a success for Joel:

Hi Richard,
It's Joel Ankeny from RGM Watch Co. I just wanted to pass along a quick thank you for posting
my BikeMS NYC fundraising link on your blog. I had a number of donors mention they found
out about the ride from your site. If you could pass along the thanks I would greatly appreciate it.
All together we raised $1,600.00 for a great cause! I will be riding again next year and hopefully it
won't be so wet and soggy. This link will take you to some pictures of me flying the red RS/RGM
jersey during the ride . Hopefully I will get a chance to see the team this year at one of your races!
Thanks again for the support.
Joel Ankeny
P.S. After reading your blog and Amy's you guys inspired me to start my own - so thank you! :-)
J aka Captain Crunch

Two more things to mention atmo. Matt "Pookums" Kraus with just one S is in the news. He has
what appears to be a 6,000 word interview in the current newsstand edition of Cyclocross Magazine.
It reads like a "Matt's life until now..." and I am proud to out it here. I hope you all can locate a copy
at the LBS or local Barnes and Nobles. I'm equally pleased to mention that Mo Bruno Roy and Matt
Roy have launched a new website kinda' sorta' devoted to the '08 season and all of Mo's new 'cross
plans and sponsors. I got on the email list and get their news that way, but the site has all the details,
is updated very often, and is very beautifully crafted.
Check it out, huh.

Well, aside from my wanting all who read these tomes to know that the Flickr galleries* are being added to
almost daily (lotsa', LOTSA' great 2008 team pics are now up), the RS 'Cross Team will be in Northampton,
Massachusetts both days this weekend for the 18th Annual Cycle-Smart
-Invitational UCI-C2 events which
are also races 5 and 6 in the NECCS Verge Series. I hope you can come out to Look Park and have a great
two days of fun and see why we always say, '
Cross Fucking Rules Atmo.

Thanks for reading.

* gallery uno
* gallery duh

23, October 2008

FYI atmo -

21, October 2008

Greetings -

This pretty much sums it up for me whenever the question, "Cross Fuickng Rules Atmo" is asked,
even though it's not even a question! The Richard Sachs Cyclocross Team had a very great
road trip weekend to the MAC states and competed at two of our very favorite venues, Grenogue and
Ludwig's Corner. It was the first time all season that the entire roster was in one place in one time.
All of us - Jon from the South, Alie from Boulder, and Justin, Willy, Pookums, Issimo, and myself
from the Northeast. To complete the treat, Alicia and young Fox made the trip with Jon and the
weekend felt equal parts family reunion and back to back UCI races rolled into one. I think 'cross
is about fun and making memories, and despite the fact that the RS 'Cross Team always races at
the front and gives good brand, the single best detail that defines us is the good times we have
when we are together, especially on the road. There's an intangible that comes from mixing 'cross
and the road, and then adding a MAC weekend to the stew. We've been going to these two races
for years now, and they keep growing and getting better. Promoters Tom McDaniels and Drew
Guldalian and all of those who work with them should get major league props for what is for many,
the single best race weekend of the 'cross season.

So what's with the image at the top of the page? Ya' see, long after Saturday's race ended and all
of us were back at the NoTelCo Lodge, dinner plans were vaguely being discussed. Contrary to
what I wanted (a group-ish meal) folks seemed to be leaving in ones and twos as if we were
students at some school and off to the cafeteria we'd traipse in pairs etcetera. I was the last to be
ready, and - alas, all were missing. It was a strange and unique feeling being left upstairs and it did
play tricks with my head just a wee bit. No matter. I stored it away and walked across the road to
the restaurant where the riders would be dining. There was a big table and all 8-9 were there
No one had ordered, so I felt okay that I didn't miss anything.

Orders were placed, 22 ounce Sam Adams were thrown back, meals were eaten, and there were
no awkward moments as a result of folks leaving me to be last to leave for the restaurant. Within a
minute or two of possible dessert decision making, a slight shift occurred. To my right, Pookums -
who seemed to be duly uncomfortable in his seat and who had been a tad fidgety that evening -
made a move to stand up as if to relieve a pair of cramping legs. But it wasn't the day's race effort
that was making him jumpy, it was a box that he and all of the team were hiding under the table
since before I arrived. You see, they arranged a gift for me and when Matt reached for the box and
presented it on behalf of all, I realized why the troops were so self-absorbed just 60-90 minutes
earlier as they all rushed to leave for TGIF's. The upshot of all this was I am the lucky recipient of a
fabulous gift courtesy of my very thoughtul, very caring, and most wonderful team. In true Erwin
Vervecken fashion, I now have my very own fan club jacket just like the Varsity 'cross cats in
Belgium do! Just check me out proudly strutting home after dinner:

It was a very special moment for me to receive this gift. I was completely surprised and then very
pleased to share my emotions and thoughts with my mates. We have a very strong bond that is
shared all year, despite only really spending 4 or so months of it together. As I told them, we are
friends, family, team mates, and co-workers all rolled up in one, and I love each and every one of
them more than I can explain.

So what else about the weekend? For starters, we had a unique (very unique?) experience of
having photographer, RS client, and newest best friend, Irfan Khalil, spend the day following
the team and the race through his REALLY BIG and EXPENSIVE camera! The result? Irfan
singlehandedly captured the very essense of the RS 'Cross Team from the moment each of
us pinned on numbers to the day's end when we chilled out in the parking lot. Someday I will
paste all of his images onto my Flickr page, but until then I encourage you to click through
and have a look at what we look like. Scroll to the page bottom and download the zipped file.
For those too timid to try, here is a small sampling that Irfan culled for his own site. Please note
that if you don't see the images in the zipped file you're missing the best pics atmo!

Speaking of pictures, no self respecting Atmo would do a MAC race weekend report without
a few times to the work of the hardest working shooter in Delaware, a.k.a. Dennis Smith. I have
been following Dens' site for years now and always look forward to seeing what he comes up with.
Here's what I found:
Pook and Jon
Pook and Justin
Pook and his own selfmo
Just Dugan It
Pookums (are you paying DS under the table?)
Guess who...
Not Ben Johnson
Mo Atmo
Kenzermatic for the People
Atmo voting for Wallace
Oval Office

Cool stuff, huh! Thanks, Dennis. We love your pictures and we love the MAC road trips atmo.

But wait! There are other GREAT pictures that I loaded onto the Flickr site. Check these out.
This gallery is almost at its limit and it's only just October! I'll have to start a new one in a week or
so, and when I do I'll highlight some other pals/shooters whose work I, er - collect! A special thanks
to all of you - Dave, Geoff, the other Geoff, Matt, Robert - and names I can't even summon up I'm so
typed out right now, but we are grateful for all the team images we have on the Flickr page.

One last thing re pics: don't forget to check out the work of our own shutterbug, one half of the pair
that is known in Nashville as the Pretty Princesses, our own Issimo's Picasa page is also a trove
of mighty fine pixels. And while you're there, take a side trip to The Amy Blog as well! Nothing
says lovin' like driving up the Site Meter hitcounter atmo. Just do it.

One last mention of pics and then I am DONE. Here's a real gem from the Grenogue event.
Okay, enough said!

Well I have been typing for a while and need to post this, despite having race results to paste
in and news of next week's events. If you made it this far, perhaps check back in 2-3 days and
I'll hope to update.

Thanks for reading.


15 October 2008

Greetings -

This past weekend the Richard Sachs Cyclocross Team was in Gloucester, Massachusetts as well as
in Richmond, Virginia.
It's all good, no GREAT, news atmo*. First things first. While I do not as yet have the
first person account from Hambo himself,
the news is that, like - who was it, Lee? - Jon Hamblen, our lone
Mid-Atlantic States soldier, came and conquered. How do I know?
I saw it here: http://www.bikereg.com/
We (the folks in the northeast) don't get to see or
race with Jon more than 3-4 weekends during the 'cross season (and I am desperately trying to get him to
his hiney up here just so the numbers improve). However, that will change for the moment soon
the next string of events has all of the RS 'Cross Team converging in Brandywine country in 4 short days.
More on that later. In the meanwhile, here is a race report JUST sent over from Jon:

Alicia and I took our boy Fox up to Richmond, VA, for the Cyclocross Festival races. Three
races put on by Dr Matt and the Altius cycling team. The first race on Saturday was a really
torque-y circuit in Chmborazo park. Chimborazo is on the side of a big hill downtown. We got
to up and down the hill plenty of times. To make it hurt extra super bad, they had us go over
a big set of stairs at the top. Alicia finished third in her race after losing her rear wheel at the
start (we forgot to tighten the quick release after a pre race wheel change). I won my race
after riding with my road teammate Mike Stoop (Altius) until the last time up the stairs. Stoop
let me win. Good thing too, even though this was Mike's second cyclocross race ever he was
riding strong and he has a good bit of sprintyness in him. Thanks Mikey!

The one lap time trail was held just after the Men's race Saturday, one lap of the course minus
a barrier. It hurt more than any lap in the race. Alicia took second and I won my race by just
two seconds over Stoop.

The last race of the omnium was held at Bryan Park, a place I know very well. I used to live
down the street when I was an amateur bike racer in the mid-nineties. We used to race at
Bryan Park on skinny tires every Tuesday night. The course was super fast with fun sections
in the woods and lots of barriers. After the grinding lower back workout the previous day,
Alicia's back was already in trouble before she had to run the two sets of fast barriers. About
halfway into the race her back finally quit and she had to limp in for third place after riding in
second for the first half. In my race we had a group of four together for the first half. Stoop
was there again but having trouble on the barriers, Craig Dodson (Richmond Pro Cycling) was
riding fairly well, and another Altius guy was not having trouble staying on either. I'm pretty
sure I was the only full time cross racer in the group but these guys were not letting me get
away without a fight. I had to light it up out of every turn for two laps to get a little gap. But
it was enough of a gap to hang on for the win and another big check. Which reminds me, the
prize money for this race was awesome, Thanks Dr Matt!

Up here in the Cupcake Belt, the rest of us had a mighty fine, no - make that a MIGHTY F^&*ING FINE,
time in Stage Fort Park
for the New England World's, aka the Erdinger Gran Prix of Gloucester. Myself
and my wife, aka
The Lovely Deb, along with Justin, Amy, Matt, Dave, and Will, all raced extremely well.
Especially on Saturday. I know, that was not a real sentence. For starters,
Dave and I were in the Masters
55+ race (which was kinda' sorta' combined with the Masters 35+/45+ B race...). I was there in
Glawsta' for
at least one podium appearance and I delivered. Came in second. I know, that was not a real sentence.
And the ca t
that beat me was a two-time National Champion, so I feel mighty effin' fine about the result.
Dave followed me in, not much further
back, at sixth place. We rule. In the real racing events, where folks
half our age - folks who could be described as skinny white
people with tan lines - the RS' Cross Team
contingent continued to represent. Amy had a killer start in the Women's Elite race and was with the front
group for the first 30 minutes or so, eventually coming in eighth. Wallace for President. Please vote early

and often. In the less fairer sex's Elite event, Justin, Matt, and Will all got off to fast starts in this hour long
race. Ultimately, Justin
cracked the top ten and netted us an eighth. Will finished fifteenth, and Matt was
twenty third. Note to self: Why am I spelling out
these numbers? For Will's part, his result was good enough
to allow him to continue to wear the coveted VergeSport New England
Points Series Leader's jersey in the
U23 division for another day. And Sunday was indeed another day.

Day two at Gloucester saw all of us ready for more, and as hard as we wished and tried, only the Issimo
was able to deliver the
goods. The Amy came in ninth on a course which, for all of us, was a slightly harder
version than what we encountered on Saturday.
In my race, I dropped off the podium to fourth place and
was supremely bummed for that. I blew what can best be described as a
road sprint finish for third place
and I vow mistakes like that will never happen again. I chased the entire race and caught my rabbit
half a lap to go. I expected to deflate this cat major league style owing to the simple fact that a bad start
had me behind for
the first forty one minutes of racing. When I made contact I felt as if this girl was mine.
And she would have... - Oh, screw it. No
excuses, I'll learn from the tactical error I made. End of story. I
know, that was not a real sentence. In the Men's race, sad to say
that we were either flat, or set with mechanical
issues or both. Justin rolled a tire mid race while he was comfortably in the top ten.
Done. I
that was not a real sentence. Pookums rolled a rear tubie later in the race while he was still in the
front twenty. Done.
I know, that was not a real sentence. And Will, the little engine who could,
couldn't. Matt finished in twenty first and Will was seven
places behind him. In and of
these are pretty good results, all things considered. But I know that we have more horses and
better luck most of the time, and Saturday was clearly the better of the two days for us.

Before I let go of the weekend, one of its highlights for all of us was seeing pal Dave Genest again. For
those who don't know the team
lineage, what we have here and what I blog about weekly and seem to
manage on a daily basis, is a team that was started by Dave
almost twenty years ago. The best way to
describe this is to point to a web text from a year or so ago when we were doing bios of
sorts on all of the
players. Read here:
Dave sent this very lovely email
this a.m.

Raced at the first day of Gloucester after being away from the "circuit" for a bit. It was indeed like coming home.

Same ghetto parking spot, same warm hugs all around, same (older) faces, same feeling of belonging and purpose,
same rarefied feeling in the air of high test energy, bubbling beneath the surface, jonzing for release.

We're goin' bikin'!

Richard and I chatted, caught up, and generally worked our way through warm-ups towards the starting grid.
The difference is that Richard is an icon (as the young reported called him). Actually more of an iconoclast.
Not only for the bikes (someone yelled to me après race..."must be nice to ride on jewelry"...or did he say jewery?...
either way the answer was "yabetcha"), and the "Team" that is both well known, feared, and jealously copied, but
Richard is also one of the feared old men. A racer who takes the podium by storm. Someone who gets away,
doesn't make mistakes, and never comes back.

All-in-all...a great day of racing and beautiful weather. It remains nice to be on (and hang with) team red
(though hiding beneath black threads). It was great to see and chat with young Deb, meet younger Will
(who shares with me the royal birthplace of Pizzafield), shake the buzzingly beautiful Amy's hand, and
feel proud that we're the longest running (and stylish) cross team in America (maybe the world?!) and
(according to my opinion) bigger than General Motors (or Fidea).

See ya'll soon


If anyone EVER wonders why I love my team, Dave is a prime example. As I always say, as someone else
"To surpass the Master is to repay the debt." Dave is the Master atmo.

For those of you who receive as well as read these missives, you'll notice that this entry is free of the usual
ten thousand
embedded hyperlinks. To redeem this, I'll give you one and one only killer link. To wit, this past
weekend was a treasure
trove for excellent team photography, most supplied by others, and a very few
images taken by moi with my new Canon G10.
Please scroll through these pics:
and spend time with the All Sizes icon to see some wonderful action shots and lifestyle ones too.

Next weekend we'll be in Wilmington, Delaware and Ludwig's Corner, Pennsylvania for more UCI races at
two of the RS 'Cross
Team's favorite races. On Saturday it's the Grenogue 'Cross UCI 1 event, and on
Sunday we race the Wissahickon 'Cross UCI 2
event. And the best part of these two races is? Well, for
the first time in all of the 2008 season, the entire RS 'Cross Team will
be in one place at one time. As
noted above, Jon will be coming up from North Carolina, and Alie (remember Alie?!) is flying in
Boulder for a 10 day stint. The A-Team will reunited -
The RS-Team will be too! For more information
on the A-Team, please visit these links
Text: http://theamywallace.blogspot.com/2008/10/pending-road-trip-why-not.html
Visual: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1078/1430136749_0d3ea36c45_b.jpg

For more information on the races, please see these links:
Grenogue: http://www.bikereg.com/events/register.asp?eventid=7093
Wissahickon: http://www.bikereg.com/events/register.asp?eventid=7023

That's all I got! Thanks for reading.

Richard Sachs Cycles
No.9, North Main Street
Chester, CT 06412 USA

*according to my opinion

6, October 2008

Greetings -

This past weekend was a bye for me and several of the folks on the Richard Sachs Cyclocross Team.
There were a few local races in New England, and the closest event to the
Chester White House was
three hours away. I made the decision to stay home and get some work done (i.e., having many nosh
moments, moping around aimlessly, and also spending 24/7 arguing on the Internet) and waiting just
one more week until a flurry of long, on-the-road weekends begin.

For this week's team bullshite, I'm going to be a cut and pasting fool. Firstly, I want all who read these
updates to be well versed in tires, specifically the high-end race tubulars from
Challenge Tech. There
is a new model that we'll be racing (and winning) on in 2008 and it's called the Fango. I am pasting in
two links here so that you can read about the tires and what
Donn Kellogg from Challenge had to say
about them. Read these:
Challenge in Mud and Cowbells
Challenge in VeloNews

For the rest of this email, I will add texts from Matt Kraus (with one "S") and from Alie Kenzer. These kittens
were the lone RS 'Cross Team racers who made it to a start line this past weekend. Here's some gossip:

From Pookums -
Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name….

This Saturday I hopped across the Tappan “Sinatra” Zee Bridge over to a local race put on
by Westwood Velo in Mahwah, NJ. Its odd for a NJ race to be local. I am used to local being
MA, NH, CT, etc. A little background to that…about four months ago I left the Boston area
after a 10 year run and moved in with my galfriend to Pleasantville, NY…which is upper
Westchester County. So hopping across Sinatra’s bridge reincarnate fifteen minutes from
my house is a new and novel concept. Well, so is showing up at a local race and knowing
(almost) nobody. After racing cx in New England for close to a decade, a fresh start, is, well,
fresh. But it also feels quite solo in comparison. Not only was I the only RS rider there, but I
felt an aura of anonymity – which is an oddthing to feel at a cx race lately.

Since I had a racing-lite but training-heavy end of summer, my fitness base was solid but a
little dull to begin the season. Each of thelast four weekends I have been feeling more and
more adept at speed changes and attacks. Since the New England Worlds are next weekend,
I decided to double up on the racing today. Masters 35+@ 11:45 and the “A” race @ 1:45.
The course was a lot of track packed into not so much space. A fun track with a million turns
and only a few places where one could even get up to speed.

I holeshotted to get myself away from the Masters field of thirty before the course got twisty. I
lead the race for the first two laps at a comfortable pace and recognized that I had brought a
group of five riders away from the rest. Soon that number was three, and then it was just me
and Roger Aspholm. For the last 3 laps or so we each tried to get away, but the course would
not allow the space for attacks. Attacks were often nullified by lapped riders, whom I found quite
fun like a video game asteroid field dodgefest. Roger got command before the last technical
section and took the sprint, leaving me in second.

The “A” race was a small field of about 15. Again five of us got away but this time I let Roger's
teammate drag us around for a few laps. About halfway through, badda bing, it was Roger and
I off the front. As we crossed the start/finish line for the bell lap Roger outsprinted me for pole
position. He was able to hold that all lap and again take me at the line. Winning is always nice,
but I don’t feel bad about loosing to Roger, he’s podium worthy with a V8 under his hood. I felt
better about my form, as the pencil is getting sharper.

In staging, one of the cats commented on my RS bike; he had only seen pictures of it in the
magazines. I had to wipe his drool off before we started. In the parking lot I was talking to this
bearded courier cat from NYC who was in second place in the “B” race on a fixie until he flatted.
He also dug on the bike/components. I let him ride it around the parking lot. I swear the kid was
walking on water after that, with about much emotion as a NYC courier would show. As I packed
up my stuff, I realized how grateful I am for all the solid equipment we got to use and how I love
the team time in the schtetle*. I used to do a lot of solo travel and don’t miss those days anymore.
Next week in Gstar the schtetle is ON!
* jewish ghetto

From Alie -
Hey folks,

Since I'm not out there on the east coast racing beside you, I figured I'd shoot ya'll an email to
let you know how racing at
9,097 ft went for this girl :). Honestly, it hurt, but its not like it hurt any
more than trying to catch up to the Wallace at ANY sea level 'cross race! On the way to Frisco,
CO on Saturday, I was informed that this was just a "little" local 'cross weekend and not to be
worried about the altitude, there probably wouldn't be many folks out there. It seemed like it would
be a great opportunity to get myself back in the 'cross groove, even with the slight margarita-
induced hangover. Anyway, we pulled into Frisco, and low and behold, it was as packed as any
major race I've ever been to. There was Katie Compton, racing on the course with the Cat 3 men
(her version of a warm up), showing them how it’s done (as always). Oh boy - I was in for a treat.
Needless to say, the women's race was actually really fun, and out of a rather large field of 37, I
was 14th! Comfortably mid-pack and I was psyched. (
Saturday Results) We spent the rest of the
day walking around a very ghostly Vail village, ate Mexican food from a bus station (yeah, kind
of bizarre, but not half bad!), and then went to a hipster art show opening that included some of
our host's screen prints. Sunday's race was at the same Frisco, CO venue, but with a completely
different course. It was a bit less technical and no run-up like Saturday's course that had a brutal,
deep dirt run-up - similar to the Putney 'cross run-up but thankfully only 3/4 as long). Both day's
courses had a long grinding paved uphill section, but Sunday's was complimented by a lovely
long dirt downhill bit that gave us ample recovery time. Some fun twists and turns in sandy
gravel, some log barriers...you get the picture. Anyway, I felt even stronger on the second day
and was SOOO close to top ten, but unfortunately kinda bobbled in the end and had a neck-in-
neck sprint with a girl at the line for 11, and literally lost to her by about an inch. No worries
though - I'm pumped for next weekend and for the weekends to come. And for those of you who
don't already know, I will be seeing you in Delaware on the 17th!! I AM SO PSYCHED TO BE
REUNITED !!!!!! P.S. I had numerous folks come up to me and ask to touch the sacred Richie
frame...the red beast held up well this weekend, and got many compliments!!

Miss you all!!

Our next big event is the
Gran Prix of Gloucester in Manhattan, Kansas oops I mean in Gloucester,
Massachusetts. I hope to see you all there. I plan to make the podium in my event so bring your point
and shoot thingy.

Thanks for reading.

Richard Sachs Cycles
No.9, North Main Street
Chester, CT 06412 USA